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Minor in Bioethics
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Minor in Bioethics
Minor Requirements
Fall 2021
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
BIOE 550: Culture Wars: Bioethics in a Diverse Society
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
BIOE 550: Vaccination Ethics
Spring 2021
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 5610: Ethics and Policy of Science
HSOC 2537: Gender and Health
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Summer 2020
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 5550: Neuroethics
BIOE 5600: Pediatric Ethics
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Fall 2020
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
BIOE 5780: Bioethics and Human Rights
HSOC 391: Bioethics and National Security
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
PHIL 2450: Justice, Law and Morality
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Spring 2020
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
PHIL 1330: Ethics
PSCI 424: Feminist Politics and Feminist Theory
HSOC 2537: Gender and Health
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
BIOE 5650: Rationing and Resource Allocation
BIOE 5640: Social Media, Healthcare and Medical Ethics
BIOE 559: Speaking for Patients: Ethical Issues in Patient Advocacy
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Fall 2019
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
BIOE 552: Bioethics and the Law
BIOE 550: Culture Wars: Bioethics in a Diverse Society
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
PHIL 2450: Justice, Law and Morality
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Spring 2019
BIOE 552: Bioethics and the Body
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 5720: Global Bioethics
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Fall 2018
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
BIOE 5780: Bioethics and Human Rights
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Spring 2018
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 5600: Pediatric Ethics
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
BIOE 5650: Rationing and Resource Allocation
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Fall 2017
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
ANTH 337: Cross Cultural Methods in Health & Public Policy
PHIL 1330: Ethics
HSOC 2537: Gender and Health
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Spring 2017
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
HSOC 391: Bioethics and National Security
BIOE 602: Conceptual Foundations
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
BIOE 590: Death and Dying Through Stories and Reflection
PHIL 1330: Ethics
HSOC 2537: Gender and Health
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
PHIL 372: Topics in Ethics: Being Human
Fall 2016
ANTH 337: Cross Cultural Methods in Health & Public Policy
BIOE 558: Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Spring 2016
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
PHIL 072: Biomedical Ethics - Seminar (301)
BIOE 602: Conceptual Foundations
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
PHIL 1330: Ethics
HSOC 2537: Gender and Health
PHIL 2450: Justice, Law and Morality
BIOE 5650: Rationing and Resource Allocation
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
PHIL 073: Topics in Ethics: Being Human
PHIL 073: Topics in Ethics: Global Ethics
Fall 2015
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 601: Intro to Bioethics
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
BIOE 5550: Neuroethics
PHIL 1450: Philosophy of Law
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Spring 2015
BIOE 602: Conceptual Foundations
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
PHIL 202: Duties and Consequences
HSOC 2537: Gender and Health
BIOE 5720: Global Bioethics
PHIL 272: Reproductive Ethics
PHIL 1433: The Social Contract
Fall 2014
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
PHIL 1330: Ethics
BIOE 4010: Introduction to Bioethics
Spring 2014
BIOE 4020: Conceptual Foundations
BIOE 558: Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health
BIOE 5650: Rationing and Resource Allocation
Fall 2013
PHIL 1342: Bioethics
PHIL 1330: Ethics